"mia ortlieb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It almost seems like there is an unspoken rule between some men that one
> is not supposed to like Joni, even if one knows nothing of her...
I have found this so true. That whole male macho thing is just plain dumb!

> I successfully converted my mom by playing the "Blue" cd...
I played my mum BLUE and she asked if there was something wrong with her
voice! LOL. This I found very funny.

> None of my friends seem to like her either. Before I found this list, I
> to think maybe I was a freak...
Same here. I just feel lucky that Joni's music gets through to me so all I
say to them is "Lets have a round for these freaks..."

I've been trying to get one of my friends into Joni's music for ages. I
thought it would be easy seeing he is the same age as most of her fans. Boy
was I wrong. I started off with C&S which was the most easiest to get into
for me. He didn't really think much of it . The I tried the more folkier
stuff and that didn't really grap him. Then I tried TI which he thought was
ok. Then I tried HEJIRA which he really likes (especially 'Amelia' [even
more so the TLOG vers]) and is even going to get the album! I don't think
he'l ever like Joni as much as me though because he is drawn to conventional
music too much which is so not Joni!

Everyone is different but there should be a bit of everything in this list:-

Both Sides Now
Rainy Night House
Most of BUE
You Turn Me On...
Free Man In Paris
Raised On Robbery
Trouble Child
The Magdalene Laundries


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