Last night I found my way (w/o getting lost lol) to this bar/restaurant in 
Rumson, NJ (home of the Boss) to see Bobby Bandiera. He was one of the Jukes 
of South Side Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. When the band went on around 10 
PM, they were taking requests and some guy at the bar shouted out, Joni 
Mitchell!!!! That's the Joni content. I never had that happen except at a 
Cagno gig, and I'm usually the requester.  I thought he was kidding, but then 
when the opportunity presented itself again, he yelled it out again. I don't 
think Bobby knows any Joni, well perhaps he does, but this is a party band. 
They opened with Here Comes The Sun, kinda fitting after a long harsh winter 
here in Jersey. They did some awesome Doors cover like LA Woman, some get the picture. All the baby boomers were out. Place was jam 
packed. My blouse stuck to some guy's Velcro on his jacket trying to squeeze 
my way through the crowd to the ladies room LMAO! It works every time he said 
to me. I wanted to bring Alison to Jukesville last night since she's in the 
Big Apple. She wasn't feeling so hot having a bit of a bout of bronchitis. 
She sends her love.
Well, that's how I spent my Saturday night. 

rosie in nj
Better ask questions before you shoot
Deceit and betrayal's bitter fruit
It's hard to swallow, come time to pay.
That taste on your tongue don't easily slip away

Let Kingdom come. I'm gonna find my way
Through this lonesome day

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