--- hell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also The Starland Vocal Band and Abba, and
> I've been known to
> listen to the occasional Bee Gees track as well. 

You know, I could deal with the Abba thing. Never
understood it myself, but lots of people like them, so
who am I to judge? But the Starland Vocal Band?!??
Jeezum Crow!

I've been racking (or wracking?) my brain trying to
think of crap acts that I liked as a kid but would be
embarassed to admit to liking now, or even current
ones that I like. I'm having a hard time with this.
One wo/man's feast is another's poison, y'know. I
always felt so out of it as a kid because I didn't
scream and go all girly over the Monkees or whatever.
I felt like a total outsider because, even if I
enjoyed their music well enough, I wasn't one of those
cryin' babes that swoon when their idol is nearby. 

I did enjoy the BeeGees, uncool as that may be to
some. I have the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack and
Main Course. I also have their double one, I think
it's Odessa. I liked their pre-disco stuff. Down in
the basement among all my warped LPs is a copy of the
Average White Band - I think this was my brother's
though and I just sort of stole it when I moved out of
the house. I have a couple of Gloria Estefans - even
though I don't care much for her, her album of Cuban
songs "Mi tierra" is very good; I also have "Hold me,
thrill me, kiss me" which is kind of fun. I've got
"The Golden Hits of Leslie Gore" which I bought partly
out of nostalgia and partly for its kitsch value. I
really think someone should do a musical play of all
her songs - it would be fairly easy to attach a plot
to it. 

Of modern singers that my kids would like but some
might dismiss as crap, I will admit to enjoying the
music of Pink (if she doesn't overdose or die in a
drunk-driving accident, she may go places), John Mayer
(my daughter's current heartthrob, though I could live
without hearing "Your body is a wonderland" one more
time); yes, even Eminem - my sister made a point about
him a few weeks ago: you can understand what he's
saying - his diction is good, even though he swears a
bit (just an eensie bit).


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