First Bob said: "Well, Fred, the fact is I've always liked tuba music. The 
more tubas the merrier, as far as I'm concerned. Tubas always sound happy or 
at least funny to me."

Then Jimmy: "Murphy, I've known you for 3 years now, and I didn't know we had 
so much in common.  I *love* the tuba too!  We'll just have to do a duet at 
Jonifest this year.  Not many people know that I play the tuba 
professionally. I've been a member of the I.T.E.A (International 
Tuba-Euphonium Association) for quite some time now.  There's so much more to 
the tuba than "oom pah pah, oom pah pah", and us tubists get such a bad rap."

Dear fellers,

I would have contacted you both privately, but I thought "why be selfish?" 
and decided to share this with everyone (well, not those Joni-only purists).  
Ebay has 16 items I'm sure you'd be interested in.  Just search "Tubby the 
Tuba."  They even have a copy of the book I used to love in the 50's.  Here's 
an excerpt from the sales pitch:

This is an old, very clean, hardcover children's book titled: Tubby the Tuba, 
by Paul Tripp, Treasure Books publishers, copyright 1954. The book tells the 
story of Tubby the Tuba and his musical instrument friends in an orchestra - 
Tubby complains to the others that there are never any pretty melodies 
written for Tubas.


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