>>When you use a public campground, placing a TUBA on your picnic table will
keep the campsites on either side of you vacant. :~)<<
Good tip. I thought it only worked with accordions. Talking of accordions, I
was recently, New Year's Day in fact, trying to get lunch in a restaurant in
the mountains and the only table available was next to the stage. We grabbed
it (the table, not the stage) and then noticed that on the stage were seven
accordions and a double bass. We figured they were still left over from the
New Year's Eve party, but HELL NO: halfway through the meal the musicians
turned up and started cranking out the polkas. All the folks in the restaurant
were dancing around and between the tables and the waitresses did a real fine
job of keeping their trays out of the flailing arms and legs. Seven accordions
is WAY too loud when your eating lunch. It will never happen again.
mike in bcn (hoping that Catherine will not ask any questions about which
mountains I was referring too ;-)
NPIMH Ay te dejo in San Antonio by Flaco Jiminez

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