You know that song "I don't get around much any more" I do have a wood stove to feed  
a large garden and a 4 year old Amelia that keeps me home. But I catch ACL most every 
Friday night at 11:00 recently JB played very layed back his latest and greatest hits 
and then I saw Darryl Hannah photographed in an Issue of "Out" magazine it's funny how 
couple of pepols keep poppin into my ons life . The latest performer on ACL was Pat 
Metheny it struck me thst he was one of the artists that started grunge fashion. Pat 
wore something that he bought at Sears 5 years ago. I finally just closed my eyes and 
turned up the sound . Meanwhile on Jonatha's web site a little flaming is going on, 
about a venue in New York charging $35 for tickets. Her Husband / manager put his 
E-finger into the list to add his two dollars. 
NP: Keeping in the customer satisfied / Bridge over troubled waters, Simon $ Garfinkel
O my goodness its actually sunny her in Oregon!

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