Hiya, Lori,


Is it because

a) N. Korea has nothing we want, or
b) because W wants to finish Daddy's old business, or
c) because W is afraid to tangle with a country he cannot so obviously

Inquiring minds want to know.>

I received this post from the MoveOn organisation in December, and read the
link below with great interest. This may answer some of your questions. MoveOn

" ..... it's more likely that emphasizing North Korea's threat while not
aggressively pursuing military action against the country is serving US
strategic interests. How? According to several analysts, the US hopes to use
the threat from North Korea as a tactic to push through the building of
controversial missile defense systems in the area. Such missile defenses would
help contain the growing threat from China, the one country that is developing
enough economic and military strength to compete with the US. This is a much
more appealing strategy for the US than directly attacking North Korea, which
has its own army of 1.2 million and a strong alliance with nuclear capable

.... From the article int eh link below: "The Bush administration may not be
interested in removing North Korea from the threat list. A perceived North
Korean threat is necessary to justify building the Theater Missile Defense
(TMD) system, intended to counter China's growing military and political
power. With China's economy growing at seven percent, it is only a matter of
time before it dwarfs Japan in power and strategic influence. This worries
sectors of Japan's government, especially the military establishment, and also
concerns the Bush administration, who do not want to see U.S. regional power
and economic interests threatened by China. Since neither the U.S. nor Japan
are willing to admit to building the new missile system to counteract a
Beijing threat, North Korea is currently being used as the primary reason for
creating the TMD in Japan."

Includes a map.
http://www.yellowtimes.org/article.php?sid=920  "


Gill (in Madrid)

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