My son HAD to have a circumcision at the age of 4. He had a foreskin that
would not retract and they had tried to stretch it and it would not go....
ANYWAY.... he had it done and it was all OK... the surgeon who came to look at
him after the "event" was obviously from somewhere in Africa and had tribal
markings on his face. he was a really very very handsome man and extremely
tall and with the most wonderful English accent. May I just explain that the
town we live in has very few people who could be termed "black"...and I do
apologise if this term upsets anyone but he had the most amazing blue black
skin and Sam had never seen anyone that colour before. We were in a military
hospital and this guy was from an overseas navy on secondment to the UK...

Sam was sitting on the bed when the surgeon came in. He said hello to Sam who
was wide eyed with wonder at this absolute vision in front of him. Now I was a
little concerned as Sam could be rather precocious and had made some
"interesting observations about people" in the past.For example a woman who
was extremely well padded got asked "excuse me but why do you wear such fat

He was 4 and was just learning about what you could and could not say when
people were in earshot and whether what you said was Ok to say or no.... I
found myself feeling very very nervous. The surgeon asked Sam if he could have
a look at the stiches and Sam duly presented his willy for inspection. All the
time Sam was gazing wider and wider eyed at this man and was staring harder
and harder.... My plams were starting to get clammy as I could sense a
question coming.

"Now Samuel", said the surgeon. "you must be very careful with your new willy
and take care of it"

"Oh I will," said Sam.."may i ask you a question?"
"You  may" said the surgeon obviously expecting something about his
"Are you the King of England?"
At this the surgeon laughed alsmost fit to burst.. he rocked back and forward
and tears were streaming down his face
"No, I am not, why do you ask?"
"Oh its just you sound like Prince Charles' dad"
The whole ward errupted in fits of laughter and Sam sat there very very solemn
and a little confused....

For a long time Sam told people that "King Phillip (the queens husband as far
as Sam was concerned has to be a king) cut the bits off my willy... he is
really nice and is very tall"

So that is my two pence on circumcision.... He lives with his lack of foreskin
and I am sure eventually he may or may not discover over sensitivity or lack
of it.To have left it as it was would have been to condemn him to continued
infections, courses of antibiotics and pain, so it was  done out of

SOmehow I feel my mail should be about something noteworthy and thoughtful on
the eve of some hefty summitting and sabre rattling. But no words on that
score will come. I just hope that words of wisdom and peace will prevail so
that we continue to have a world in which to continue our association as
friends of Joni.


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