Catherine McKay wrote:

> --- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > 
>It all sounded like something that could be coped with
>until you got to this:
>>And to top all that, I shall have to eat Hagen Daaz
>THAT is far too much of a burden for anyone to bear!
>Give me your address and I'll be right over to help
>you out with that, you poor boy you!
See there are good comapssionate peopl in this sad world of ours....

>>thank god I can still use my machines-I'd really be
>>upset if i 
>>couldn.'t...i might just be forced to circumcise
>I'm so glad YOU brought that up first. I was going to
>crack wise about somebody's finger having been
>circumcised, but wasn't sure how well that might go
Oh i think it would be quite a good way to let off steam. After all, I 
already know what my defence would be.....

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