Marianne Rizzo wrote:

> In the mean time, let's get working on promoting  *renewable energy
> technologies* and start commiting our investments to some serious
> developments here.
> Where is the leader's energy policy?

I was surprised to read that Pres. Bush made a bid for
hydrogen fuel cell technology, pledging (I think) $10 million.
They expect it to be a decade before it will be used in the
Hydrogen fuel cells can supply pollution free energy to everything
from automobiles to cell phones.
I wonder why it will take so long. I know a couple of the
Japanese car companies have working models now.
I just hope there will be something left of the planet in 10 years.

> And also,  how about we never harm or annihilate any innocent being?    This
> being an utmost priority.

Yeah! War on war. Just say no.
If someone from another planet arrived and said, "Tell me about
your planet, what is the main product of your civilization?" we would
have to say "arms to kill each other". Pretty fuckin' embarrassing.

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