Virtually all studies have concluded that all abusers and serial killers were indeed victims themselves when children.
A recent study has shown that about 12% of men who were abused ebcome abusers and the greatest majority of them were the victims of female abusers.

It is also said that their only 2 answers to 'were you abused as a child'. the answers are 1. no or 2. i don't know. I used to think that was bollocks until I learned more about the effects of abuse on the mind and saw proof that babies get fucked.

Speaking of abuse, i a saw program about domestic violence. i got a surprise. i knew there were male victims too. what i did not know was that there was an equal number of male victims as female victims. 122 studies the world over support this claim. YET in this country, and the picture is little better anywhere else, there is absolutely NO FUNDING for any sort of support for male victims of domestic violence. One mam's story included the fact that his wife almost beat him to death. She was arrested and then let go with a caution. It was correctly pointed out that had this been the other way around, he would be in jail. 1 man is killed by his female partner evey 2 days in this country.

two children a week die at the hands of their carers evey week.

the vast majority of abuse, physical, sexual, emotional, is perpetrated by the child victims family, usually parents. The vast majority of children under the age of 4 who need hospital treatemtn because of injuries recieved, the injuries were inflicted by the female carer/mother.

abuse is not not confined to eitehr gender either as victim or perp.

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