Lucy Hone wrote:

Abuse through Prostitution......Yes Colin, you are right. The law as it
stands deems that an under age child who is involved in selling sex (and
this is never something they decide to do) is the one who is targetted for
prosecution. When caught they are charged with being a "common
prostitute"..... Some of these girls are only 12....

I am grateful for the fact you have wiritten this. I just want to point out the there aremany boys abused in this way too.

do have very altereted perception of what constitutes a healthy reatlionship
and their lives are indeed blighted and twisted by the corruption of their
understanding of "loving parents or caring adults"... It is an enormous

again you are right. However, given the right understanding love and support, by both lay people and professionals, this situation can be alleviated to a certain degree. i don't believe it can be completey, not form my experience anyway.

You are right, Laurent and Murphy/BOB and Colin that those who are abused do
not always go on to abuse.

Laurent was saying the opposite. i undestand that many people have this false understanding so am not labelling anyone has bad for holding this erroneous view. Education, education, education.

Those who do abuse children are, for the main
part (about 89%) however, people who have had some form of abuse visited on
them that stunts their ability to form adult relationships and they are
"more comfortable" with children.......hey are, themselves,
children and we( Baby whom they do not feel threatened.

Children matter, how we look after them matters, deciding to have children
should not be a lifestyle choice but a matter of the deepest consideration.

Cidren ned to be put at the top of the list of priorities.

thank you Lucy.

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