
> I am grateful for the fact you have wiritten this. I just want to point
> out the there aremany boys abused in this way too.

My reply

Thank you Colin............ you are right I have missed making the poiint
that our work is not just with girls but boys as well.. GO TO THE SITE AND
SEE THE POSTERS... Our youngest male client is 9 I believe.... our work with
young men is enormous and misunderstood. Homophobia, ignorance and "shame"
prevent a lot of people either supporting our work or seeking our help..
Also, with young men they are often more independant and live lives that
allow them a degree of freedom from control.. Accepting that order and
control are important to a better life, is hard for them as within those
frameworks ( whether care homes, home life or in school) they have been
abused. BEing FREE, so to speak, allows them some autonomy. the risks they
run, though through selling sex are horrendous and far reaching.. My own
attitude to homeless young people, those who use drugs, are obviously
selling sex and those who are openly dealing drugs has changed dramatically
since working for Barnardo's as behind each seemingly overt and anti-social
behaviour is someone who needs help....

If you do go to    and please do....... you will see
our work under "NO SON OF MINE" and "WHOSE DAUGHTER NEXT" these are
important documents and pieces of work...

Colin also wrote

> again you are right. However, given the right understanding love and
> support, by both lay people and professionals, this situation can be
> alleviated to a certain degree. i don't believe it can be completey, not
> form my experience anyway.

My reply....

Our work redresses that abuse and goes into overdrive on damage limitation
for their own future.... Our strap lineof "Giving children back their
future" recognises the importance of giving children hope and a future to
look forward to....

WE need to alter our perceptions of what the issues are rather than always
taking the "moral" high-ground with todays children. helping them to enjoy
life and realise they are all future citizens of  this world and are of the
utmost importance,  is part of returning this society to some semblance of
the word..... civilised.....

We ignore the part they play in our world at our peril... AS we sow, so
shall we reap...


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