I remember her answering this in an interview included on one of the
tape trees.  If I remember correctly (now on thin ice, as it has been a
very long time), it is computer generated (VG-8?) and she felt that it
was the "same as" actually playing the oboe.  I recall feeling that it
was disrespectful to those who had put in the many long hours it takes
to learn to play that instrument - but then she has that celebrated
arrogance, doesn't she?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kate Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 10:02 PM
> Subject: Re: definitive covers 
> >>>I found it interesting that on NRH (which I have on 
> vinyl), in "Nothing
> Can
> be Done", the music was by LARRY KLEIN (words by Joni).  And 
> on "The Only
> Joy in Town," Joni plays OBOE.  Who knew?<<
> i sure didn't know that...was it real oboe (very difficult to 
> just pick up &
> play from what i understand) or could it be that it was 
> keyboard sampled
> oboe?
> ********************************************
> Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
> Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
> Over the Moon-
> "bringing the melancholy world of twilight
> to life almost like magic" All Music Guide
> ********************************************

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