Good to see most agree in holding back from all out War.  As 
long as the inspectors are there, and Saddam is under pressure, then he is no 
danger. If he throws the inspectors out, then he deserves what he gets.
                 I hope it doesn't come down to costs, the troops are there, 
"all dressed up with nowhere to go"  lets attack now !!  Can't afford to hang 
                 There will be very little opposition  should troops move in, 
the people of Iraq, including the most of the army, don't want war, and will 
be glad to be free of Saddam.  The danger is that Saddam has something rigged 
up to take as many of his people down with him, and our troops, and what will 
replace him.??? 
                 Yes this has a lot to do with OIL,  but the Arab World need 
it as much as we do, when it comes to World resources,  sand and camels do 
not yeild a great return ( I know there is more to the Arab World than that)
                  Why is it when a democratic organization like Nato or the 
UN have a difference of opinion, people start talking of being let down, or 
decieved, it all sounds so childish "If you don't let me score a goal I'll 
take my ball home"   I see it as a healthy sign, if people are prepared to 
stand up and be counted, and say what they believe, rather than rubber stamp 
everything the big boys want.  Maybe George and Tony know something we don't, 
they both appear very nervous, time will tell.

"You don't look different but you have changed, "
 "I'm looking through you, you're not the same !!"         BEATLES

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