Our man in Manilla writes: "And a screenplay nod for
Charlie Kauffman for ADAPTATION? That's too much support
for real-life Kaufman's in-joke that its almost a joke."

The dude in Michigan responds: like to see Charlie Kauffman
win just to see who picks up the Oscar...  when the
nomination was announced, it was done with a smirk, but I
think the joke has gone on long enough - not that I am
going to spoil the punchline for those who have yet to be
surprised by who Charlie Kauffman really is... :-) 

and J continues: I am just awaiting Eminem's performance at
the Oscars.

and V replies: aren't we all -- 

you know the academy is going to wimp out major league and
give it to U2 for the forgettable GONY song (which hardly
sounds like 19th century NY to me and was a pure sell out
to post 9-11 commercialism) or Paul Simon's even more
forgettable schlock from the Wild Thornberrys - I love
Simon's work but that song is insipid

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