
anne - that was a wonderful posting about war.

i did time (6 months) on the namibian (then south west africa) and angolan
border during the war there during 1980.

i didnt see any actual action there - i worked in the weather reporting
dept, helped out on comms, and air traffic controlling (the only zero rank
holding atc in the entire air force - we - me & the military just didnt get
along - my file had big red writing across the front - "NO PROMOTION" and i
am so fucking proud of that achievement now :-)

anyhoo - part of my duties involved me going into the ops room every hour to
write the latest weather data/forcast. so i got to see all the "top secret"
stuff lying around. photographs, reports etc.

war dehumanises. it turns ordinary people into fucking morons, who will do
stupid, violent, cruel and inhumane things, in the situation. and will then
spend the rest of their lives without getting over it. often
damaging/destroying people around them in the process.

suicides in military service are common.
accidental deaths are common.
so are murders. (esp non coms - corporals, sergeants etc)

these three killed more people than the war did where i was unfortunate
enough to be. yeah - we had all three.

anybody who supports, or looks for war, either doesnt understand what its
all about, or is a complete fool. i can make no apology for that statement -
its the truth.

sorry about the strong language - its a strong subject which brings up
strong emotions. if i had my way thered be no more war, no more weapons, no
more armies. but i guess that aint gonna happen, "that was just a dream some
of us had"

np =- baxtop -- work it out
coincidentally bringing back wonderful memories of an incredible weekend -
including catching tina turner live - before she jumped the shark - spent
with the bandmembers & friends in 1980 - just before heading off to war!!!!

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