What really bothers me about all this:

The other side are 'demonised'. They have their views and ideas just the same as we do.

If we have the right to have our weapons of mass destruction, why are we trying to deny it to them? I can see why that would make them feel very threatened. If I lved in neigbourhood and was surrounded by people who had weapons and I did not, i would feel very threatend. Even more so if those with the power, tried to prevent me having weapons.

Russia, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, USA and UK, France. North Korea and I don't know who else, all have weapons of mass destruction. Some of these countries have used them.

Painting these people as 'eveil mosters', ie de humainisng them, should not wash with thinking people. they have legitmate reasons for feeling the way they do. This DOES NOT excuse sept 11th nor any other attack. However, who are we to talk, after the stuff we do? War is war and so is terrorism. It is war by aother name. We deal with ex terrorists all the time. Some of them are even now hailed as heroes.

I know who I feel more threatened by and I am not a minority in this. We no longer have a balance of power. One country has the power. that is dangerous and of that we ought to be afraid.


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