JMDL Digest V2003 #110  Emily Gray Tedrowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

>    i'm scared of AOL!  (or should i not be?)

YES YOU SHOULD! According to  e-Library Compuserve has been owned by AOL since
1998. They're getting fingers in as many pies as SONY and Amazon (did you know
they were connected with a company collecting user intrests, spamming and
providing spammers with e-mail addresses?). At last Microsoft stand by their
own brand and don't hide.

I accepted their 'free' trial a few yars ago when I first went on line. I
stayed with them for two weeks. The thing to recomend them is the family
filtering facility. If you don't need that then look elswhere.

As for reccomending an ISP in the US, sorry I can't help there. Sorry.


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