Randy wrote
>>History supports the notion that US intervention in foreign countries has
been about $$ interests. The book that spelled this out so clearly for me was
Chomsky's "What Uncle Sam Really Wants". I recommend it.<<

Kakki replied
>>I cannot think of any enlightenment I would personally get from reading him.
I've checked out some of his writings and to me, he is someone who has nothing
but contempt for most Americans and their country.<<

mike says

Kakki's comments are grossly insulting to Chomsky and a total misreading of
his extensive (and extensively, nay exhaustively referenced) work. One of the
things which is absolutely obvious in Chomsky is that he loves his country and
his contempt is reserved for the politicians, arms traders, gutless and
brainless reporters, kissass editors who follow the government's line, the
lying media and spurious academics who all contribute to painting a picture of
the USA and its geopolitical role which is no shadows and all light. Chomsky
has always condemned tyranny wherever it stands and from whichever political
wing it emerges. Show me, Kakki or anyone else, any reference in Chomsky's
work which allows you to state that he *has nothing but contempt for most
Americans and their country*. Don't worry, he won't be suing anyone, he's used
to this type of slanderous accusations. It comes with the turf when you write
and think against the grain.
mike in bcn,
who would also recommend Chomsky's work, and Eduardo Galeano's wonderful
political works too, especially "The Open Veins of Latin America" (Modern
Review Press) and "Patas Arriba" (Upside Down: a Primer for the Looking-Glass
World), the latter published by Picador USA. Go to Amazon and read a few pages
of it online.

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