My query to list members: pretend you believe in a God, (or an All Giving Giant Spatula That Rules The Universe if that's easier), that can offer that bargin: peace now in exchange for something of yours on a personal level. What would you be willing to give up?

well we already know what we have to give up to find peace-pride, anger, envy, jealousy, arrogance, the need to be right, in tolerance, hatred, judgement, attachment, possesiveness,...that is why we have so much trouble finding peace!!!
If we could be have all this taken away without the pain of and hard work of letting go, by giving up something else, i guess hte answer would have to be anything. Why? because if you are going to be granted peace, then whatever you give up won't matter. i.e if you had to give up your intended, the min ute you have peace, it wouldn't matter.


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