sarah wrote:

"Hitchens was good during the first Gulf War.  He had a brilliant
exchange on CNN with Charlton Heston who for some reason had been
wheeled out by the Republicans to defend the war. Hitchens said, well
if you're going to bomb a country, the least you can do is know where
it is.  So, he asked  Heston, where is Iraq?   And then asked him to
name all the countries Iraq shares a border with, and of course
Heston couldn't do it, and sat there stuttering and going all
red-faced with fury, waiting for the camera to be taken off him, but
CNN kept filming and Hitchens kept saying: "well, okay, if you can't
name them all, name three . . .er, two? . . .one??"

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Reminded me of Moore's Bowling
for Columbine.

Thanx for that...


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