The net really is a great place.

An hour or so ago, laying on my couch listening/wathcing Susan Sarandon talking about the war, i suddenly started to experience pain in my arms and chest. So I wlaked upstairs to see if it got worse. the pain didnt but then i started to feel nauseous. By this time, I was also feeling very frightened and my bowells went on me. This is it I thought. I then went downsstairs and by this time i was panicing. Instead of calling for help, i got on the phone to my friend in NJ who is an md and a grandmother. Once she got over her disappointment that the havey breather was not an admirier, she relaised it was me and talked me down. Being an md she has seen lots of heart attacks and panics too. and I met this lady on the net! We share a comkmon interest or obsssion, whatever you like to call it.
I haven't had one of these attacks since I left London and this one really took me by surprise.It started differently-very differentyl. The reason for the arm and chest pains was that I had been hyperventilaiting for a while, whilst watching Susan, without me even being aware of it! know why,i ahve done my usual of shtuting down when faced with somthing painful. Anyway, the hyperventilaiting cause the blood gases to get wonky and bob your uncle, you are feelign ill and your bRAIN starts to fog and your thinking goes haywire. Sounds so simple in writing but i can ssure you not so simple when in the midst of it. And then of course there was this new body aroma I had suddnely acquired which I then had to deal with. yuk.

I hate to admit this , but in common with manymen, i find it ver diffiuclt to let go and cry. thus I get this instaed. or at elast that is one of the reasons.

But htreimprtnat thing, is that this the first in 4 years and the net is the nmber 1 reason. seriously. An amzing source of info. An amazing tolol for communictaion. An amazing 'friend' service. i know people, and know them well, all over the planet. Many i have spoken to and met. and now I even have my own perosnal physician for free!

And I get to watch blood sports most days on the JMDL. What could be more fun and more cheap than that?

John called, and he says Miniapolis is still fucking cold. (no i didn't fill him in on home life)

of course, the down side is having my fiends live in this 17" space. Upside is being able to shut you up by flicking a switch!

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