I have BSN on DVD-Audio. OK. This gets confusing, so stick with me. It has two formats recorded on it: DVD-Audio, DVD-Video (a real misnomer), and no cd recording. Any DVD player will play the dvd video tracks, which have no video on them, but a 5.1 dvd audio track on it. It sounds just great in 5.1 sound. My dvd player does not play the DVD-Audio format, so I haven't heard it. I imagine it is awesome. I have Blue in both HDCD (which my dvd player DOES decode) and the Gold DCC disc. Both are superb. I would probably buy the DVD-Audio disc to hear the 5.1 recording remastered. Now for the quiz ............


NP: Beth Nielsen Chapman - You Turn Me On I'm a Radio

Stephen Toogood wrote:
I was reading a merchandising magazine at work the other day and they had a
whole section on DVD Audio's to be released.
Anyway among the list was Joni Mitchell's 'Blue'!
Anyone else heard about this?
I know BSN was also released in this format, but what was on the disc apart
from the music because it's not like she had any music videos from either of
those albums.
What's the sound like on those things as well?


NP: 'Hand Full Of Pills' by Stryngs

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