> Thanks for mentioning Avril Lavigne, Victor. I heard
> "I'm With You" on the radio, and immediately bought her
> CD on amazon. I don't like everything she does, but I
> particularly like IWY. 

I'm really digging her.  I borrowed her cd from Laura(Holley's daughter)
and have been enjoying it quite a bit!  I like that song a lot as well.  

I also have to admit to
> liking "1000 Miles" by Vanessa Carlton (who does the
> background vocals on the Counting Crows version of
> BYT),

I liked that song as well when I first heard it but they play it on the
radio so much I'm pretty tired of it now, particularly tired of that lick.

I didn't know that was her singing on BYT.  I like the way they did the
background vocals...it sounds very different, a fresh take on it...


NP: Avril again

--- Victor Johnson
Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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