In a message dated 18/02/2003 21:27:25 GMT Standard Time, 

<< It's nice to hear a joni song frequently on the radio, even if it's not 
her. >>

I've just got back from seeing Two Weeks Notice, which was the only film I 
could get in to see at my local cinema.  Not bad at all; I was waiting for 
the film to start asking "why have I wasted my money on such a piece of 
fluff?" (the same thought that must go through people's minds when they buy a 
Christina Aguillera record) - but actually I quite enjoyed it.  That Hugh 
Grant will come to be recognised as a consummate light comedy actor and a 
master of split-second-perfect comic timing.

Anyway, so, yes, Counting Crows covering BYT: I was pleasantly surprised, I 
must say, especially given that I've never liked them and had a particular 
distaste for Adam Duritz's voice (too whiny and self-pitying for my liking).  
I think they do a pretty good job making such a familiar song sound 
contemporary; it's certainly far better than the Janet Jackson and Amy Grant 

Shame the rest of the soundtrack was so predictable - great as they are, do 
we *really* need to hear I Feel Good or Respect again??  Nice to see a little 
cameo from Norah Jones, though.

Azeem in London
NP: Eleni Mandell - Thrill

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