Dear Bob,

You wrote:

"And as America's heart has grown cold, its brain has gone stupid, stupid,
stupid. We have squandered the good will the world had for us after 9/11. "

No you haven't .

I am Scottish, I live in Madrid, and have many friends from the U.S living
here and many friends in the U.S too. NOT ONE of them seems to have a heart
that has grown cold, or seems more stupid. Totally the contrary: they are
becoming so much more politicised, smarter, more caring and outraged and
disgusted by that idiot of an illegal representative you have for a leader. I
am more fond of all my American friends than ever, and a great deal of the
anti-war stuff posted on this list reflects their views too. I've been readign
it all with great interest. Also the pro-war posts.  I am glad you finally
chipped in, Bob. It was right on.

I only hope that ordinary citizens in the US will start to wake up after this
dark period and try to do something to shakeup the political sytem
("corporateship" someone said on one post) of yours for the better.



NP Beck "Sea Change"

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