
I am new to all this and i have managed to delete the instructions about
contributing to the list.  I hope this gets somewhere. 

"Dawntreader" and "Hejira" are the highlights of Travelogue for me -
"Dawntreader" being a new song entirely as i dont own the first album, so
what a treat. 

I'll keep this brief as i dont know where its going!

Robin  0 Ireland

[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: JMDL Digest V2003 #144 >Date: Tue, 25 Feb
2003 03:00:08 -0500 (EST) > >JMDL Digest Tuesday, February 25 2003 Volume
2003 : Number 144 > > > >Sign up now for JoniFest 2003!
http://www.jonifest.com >========== > >TOPICS and authors in this Digest:
>-------- > Re: State of the list [Les Irvin ] > what brought me to the
jmdl ["ron" ] > What blew me like a leaf this way? [Little Bird > Re:
what brought you to bret easton ellis? njc [EMAIL PROTECTED] > More
Grammys (some JC) ["Jim L'Hommedieu \(Lama\)" ] > Re: what brought me to
the jmdl [EMAIL PROTECTED] > woodstock ["Kate Bennett" ] > Re:
Woodstock ["Mark or Travis" ] > bruuuuuce NJC ["Kate Bennett" ] > what
brought you to joniland? ["Kate Bennett" ] > grammys njc ["Kate Bennett"
] > Re: Woodstock [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Re: the state of this list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Today in History: February 25 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Today's Library Links: February 25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Re: The State
of the List - Instant messaging info - No Joni content ["M] >
>---------------------------------------------------------------------- >
>Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:21:30 -0700 >From: Les Irvin >Subject: Re:
State of the list > >At 2/24/2003 04:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >
>That said, some thoughts on the list: 1) I was totally surprised to hear
Les > >say that he didn't care for the political discussions because I
thought it > >was Les that had stated that the people who did not want
the political posts > >had spewed venom or made venomous renarks. > >Let
me clarify: > >1) I said "I don't particularly care for the political
threads which seem >to be dominating in the last few months", in other
words "I have chosen not >to read the Iraq threads". I have enjoyed and
read many political threads >throughout the years. > >2) The venom
comment was in regards to certain isolated responses from the >OnlyJoni
list when the NJC tag was inadvertently left off a post - it had >nothing
to do with political content. > >Les... a humorless, cliquish, total
wackjob. > >------------------------------ > >Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000
00:43:46 +0200 >From: "ron" >Subject: what brought me to the jmdl > >hi >
> >i wound up here 'cause someone accused me of not be nice... > >i
somehow wound up running the michelle shocked list after the previous
list >owner bailed (too long & messy to repeat the story). > >some guy
pitched up as a new member, introduced himself for a while. then he
>unsubbed & said that it was cause he hadnt been made to feel welcome.
not >like on the joni list. i seem to remember but am not too sure that
it was >patrick. > >his statement intrigued me. i had never thought of a
list as being a >community. the michelle list was plagued with squabbles
& arguments, but i >still loved it. also, i adored joni's music. so i
came whizzing on over >here. burnt my fingers on one or two listers. got
welcomed by a couple >others. got sent a virtual hug by ashara & stuck
around. > >yeah - sometimes it did seem a bit strange. a bit touchy
feely. a bit too >taking ourselves seriously. nothing wrong with that
tho. once you get used >to it you start to realise its just a bunch of
people being friendly. caring >for each other. and thats a good place to
be.... > >personally ive never met a single one of the listers in person.
but i really >do feel as if i know you. and i definitely do care about
most of you. all in >all its a really great place. > >its also a good
place to find out about joni :-) > > >ron >ps - whatever happened to the
"beside herself" statue???? > >------------------------------ > >Date:
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 21:40:25 -0800 (PST) >From: Little Bird >Subject: What
blew me like a leaf this way? > >It was Jim Johanson who urged me to join
since he and >I discussed Joni via email a lot. He said, "There's >this
great little community you should visit..." > >Reaching for words and
drawing blanks, > >- -Andrew >Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators,
tips, more >http://taxes.yahoo.com/ > >------------------------------ >
>Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:42:03 EST >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject:
Re: what brought you to bret easton ellis? njc > >Vince writes: > ><<
Anyone ever wants to have a discission on Bret Easton Ellis books, I am
>very open - >> > >Bret Easton Ellis = a very talented writer with
characters I just can't care >about, which makes for a strange reading
experience. (And I'm not just >talking about "American Psycho" here.) >
>- --Bob > >------------------------------ > >Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003
00:45:57 -0500 >From: "Jim L'Hommedieu \(Lama\)" >Subject: More Grammys
(some JC) > >Today's word of the day is "compression." > >These albums
don't have much compression: "Travelogue", "Both Sides Now", >"For the
Roses", "Mingus" and Tori Amos' "Boys For Pele". > >"Court and Spark" has
lots of compression. Remember when I said that in >complex passages,
"Court and Spark" gets congested and gritty? > >Imagine that you put
"Court and Spark" on at very low volume. You can still >hear almost
everything because what would normally be a quiet passage was >squeezed,
or compressed, into an average loudness. What would ordinarily >have been
loud was also "squeezed" (compressed) into average loudness. It >sounds a
little like AM radio- gritty and compressed. (A little bit.) > >Leaving
the imaginary volume very low, now put on the "Both Sides Now" cd. >The
quiet passages can't be heard at all. That's why lots of people say >that
"Both Sides Now" should be played loudly; it is not compressed. > >Lama >
> >Bruce asked, > >>> >Jay Newland says he wanted the album "to sound
like the ones I grew >up with, like an old Joni Mitchell album -- not
>compressed to death." > >What does he mean by 'compressed'? >
>------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 21:47:27 -0800
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: what brought me to the jmdl >
>Quoting ron : > > > > its also a good place to find out about joni :-) >
> > > > > ron > > ps - whatever happened to the "beside herself"
statue???? > > >Yeah, Sarah, how bout an update?? > >Best, >Stephen in
Vancouver > >------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003
22:00:57 -0800 >From: "Kate Bennett" >Subject: woodstock > > >She DREAMED
she saw the bombers turning into butterflies, but dreams >aren't reality.
She says we've GOT to get ourselves back to the garden; >she doesn't say
we're already there< > >i was at woodstock (the one & only)& there were
many helicopters flying >overhead...at one point, after the rains, one
that looked like it was from >the military dropped flowers all over the
crowd...an amazing sight to behold >& so i always see this image when
that line about bombers turning into >butterflies is sung because
metaphorically that is what really happened... >
>******************************************** >Kate Bennett:
www.katebennett.com >Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs >Over
the Moon- >"bringing the melancholy world of twilight >to life almost
like magic" All Music Guide >********************************************
>"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful >committed citizens can
change the world, >indeed it is the only thing that ever has." >Margaret
Mead > >------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:08:55
-0800 >From: "Mark or Travis" >Subject: Re: Woodstock > > > At 06:19 PM
2/24/2003 -0500, Deb Messling wrote about "Woodstock:" > >> So many
writers trot out the "voice of her generation" cliche and > >> cite
Woodstock as some sort of hippie anthem > > > > To me, the song always
was and always will be a hippie anthem. :-) > > If some want to label it
"the voice of a generation" I think it's a > > compliment to > > the
songwriter for capturing the emotion of an entire generation. > > > > >
>> She DREAMED she saw the bombers turning into butterflies, but >dreams
> >> aren't reality. She says we've GOT to get ourselves back to the > >>
garden; > >> she doesn't say we're already there. > > > > Isn't that the
point? The reality in 1969 was bombers strafing > > southeast Asia, the
dream was and still is to take this flying > > machine of destruction and
turn it into something more peaceful and > > beautiful, like a butterfly.
She's *hoping* society will find the > > garden, or some semblance of a
garden. Few would have argued then > > that we were "already there" in
the garden...the > > *dream* was for everyone to get there...and that is
why the song is > > an anthem. > >I agree that the song is an anthem both
in Joni's original version and >in the Travelogue version. > >The Ladies
of the Canyon version makes me think of a pagan priestess >singing an
invocation, the beginning of some sacred ritual. It is >sung with
reverence and a certain amount of awe. The voice soars into >the
stratosphere, reaching toward the heavens. It recalls a recent >event, a
gathering of the tribes. But in spite of the fact that it >recalls a
communal event, to me it has the sound of a single soul >expressing the
exaltation and hope brought on by that event, not the >'voice of a
generation.' > >On Travelogue she doesn't have that instrument that can
reach those >heights anymore. So she takes a different route and gives
the song a >weight and profundity that it couldn't have had in the
original. More >than 30 years have passed since the song and the event
that inspired >it. Altamont, Kent State, Watergate, the Gulf War,
Chernobyl, >Exxon-Valdez, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the fall
of the >Berlin Wall, 9-11 - all of these things and more have come to
pass in >the intervening years and have perhaps changed the way we view
what >was for many, the defining moment of a generation. Woodstock, the
>event is now history and the stuff of legend. Joni's latest >incarnation
of the song, Woodstock achieves anthemic status in a >different way. It
is now hindsight, nostalgic and colored with the >tint of myth. It has
become a slow and stately march, more about the >half a million than the
solitary child of God who finally, but only >for a fleeting few days,
found that place of song, celebration and >naive innocence. > >Annie Ross
once said that Lady in Satin was her favorite Billie >Holiday record
"because there's a whole life in that voice." I think >the same can be
said for Joni's singing on Travelogue. Billie died >when she was in her
40s. Although it could be argued that she had >more life experience in
that time than a lot of people have in 80 >years, I don't think that
lessens the fact that Joni has lived nearly >60 years and that there is
perhaps even more of a life in Joni's >voice. The voice gives new insight
into Woodstock, a perhaps sadder, >but wiser recollection of the event.
This latest version is different >from the original but no less anthemic.
> >The more I listen to Travelogue, the more I hear in the voice that has
>a whole life in it. Some of the arrangements that didn't seem to work
>for me at first make more & more sense to me the more I listen.
>Although some of them are truly stunning and really do enhance the
>songs, I think some of them merely serve the purpose of providing an
>interesting but unobtrusive backdrop to that voice. And that voice >with
the whole life in it has new insights to bring to these songs, >even
though it was in better shape when it sang them the first time. > >Mark
in Seattle > >------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003
22:11:05 -0800 >From: "Kate Bennett" >Subject: bruuuuuce NJC > > >>Best
Male Rock Performance - The Rising >Best Rock Song - The Rising >Best
Rock Album - The Rising<< > >thanks rosie...3 big hoorays for bruce!!!!!,
loved his little chin thing >too! >
>******************************************** >Kate Bennett:
www.katebennett.com >Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs >Over
the Moon- >"bringing the melancholy world of twilight >to life almost
like magic" All Music Guide >********************************************
>"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful >committed citizens can
change the world, >indeed it is the only thing that ever has." >Margaret
Mead > >------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:11:06
-0800 >From: "Kate Bennett" >Subject: what brought you to joniland? >
>vince > and James, I love you guy, you are the greatest, you are so
>wonderful, I >can't express how much I love you and love your posts! > >
>jim > And I, you, Vince. < > >ahhhh its a beautiful thing...what the
world needs now is love sweet >love...its the only thing there is much
too little of... > >******************************************** >Kate
Bennett: www.katebennett.com >Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
>Over the Moon- >"bringing the melancholy world of twilight >to life
almost like magic" All Music Guide
>******************************************** >"Never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful >committed citizens can change the world, >indeed it
is the only thing that ever has." >Margaret Mead >
>------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:30:11 -0800
>From: "Kate Bennett" >Subject: grammys njc > > >>What about Shawn
Colvin, Lucinda Williams, Jess Klein, Carrie >Newcomer, Kasey Chambers,
Lucy Kaplansky, Patty Griffin, Rickie Lee Jones? >Jeez anyone with an
edge!<< > >i hear you! patty griffin (my favorite songwriter these days)
was nominated >but did not win...i think nickle creek took her
category...why can't >everyone hear her brillance?!?!?! call me cynical
but i am pretty sure that >performing or being nominated for the grammy's
has a lot to do with the >favors provided by the artist's record
company... > >******************************************** >Kate Bennett:
www.katebennett.com >Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs >Over
the Moon- >"bringing the melancholy world of twilight >to life almost
like magic" All Music Guide >********************************************
>"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful >committed citizens can
change the world, >indeed it is the only thing that ever has." >Margaret
Mead > >------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:49:35
-0800 >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: Woodstock > >Quoting Mark
or Travis : > > > On Travelogue she doesn't have that instrument that can
reach those > > heights anymore. So she takes a different route and gives
the song a > > weight and profundity that it couldn't have had in the
original. More > > than 30 years have passed since the song and the event
that inspired > > it. Altamont, Kent State, Watergate, the Gulf War,
Chernobyl, > > Exxon-Valdez, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the
fall of the > > Berlin Wall, 9-11 - all of these things and more have
come to pass in > > the intervening years and have perhaps changed the
way we view what > > was for many, the defining moment of a generation.
Woodstock, the > > event is now history and the stuff of legend. Joni's
latest > > incarnation of the song, Woodstock achieves anthemic status in
a > > different way. It is now hindsight, nostalgic and colored with the
> > tint of myth. It has become a slow and stately march, more about the
> > half a million than the solitary child of God who finally, but only >
> for a fleeting few days, found that place of song, celebration and > >
naive innocence. > > >Mark, > >Welcome home! It's this kind of post that
I have been missing of late. Thank >you! >Glad you are back, and hi to
Travis. > >Best >Stephen in Vancouver > >NP: Patti Witten- Sycamore Tryst
> >------------------------------ > >Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 23:03:35
-0800 >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: the state of this list >
>I have been a member for close to three years. As most, I discovered the
list >by searching the net for anything Joni. I joined and lurked for
months before >making my first post. > >Two people welcomed me to the
list- Bob Muller and Ashara. I thought that was >pretty special. It
didnt take me long to clue into the fact that they both >did that with
everyone! > >It takes a bit of work to get comfortable here. Of course
there is a >familiarity amongst those that have been here for a longer
period. I have >never felt unwelcome- the exact opposite, truth be told.
> >Who knew there were Joni boots of concerts and unreleased material?
Wow! I >remember the day I received my first non-commercial Joni CDs-
thanks Bob! I >was blown away. Wally Kairuz was visiting from Argentina
that day. > >Which is a story in itself. > >Wally and I had communicated
off list after his request for North American food >recipes, I believe.
We established a cyber friendship. Next thing I know, >this guy from
Buenos Aires takes me up on my offer to come and visit, and does >so, for
two weeks. ACK! My friends thought I was crazy- having someone come >to
my home whom I had never met. What if he is an axe murderer? someone
>asked. Well, I said, call in the morning and if I dont answer the
phone, I >guess he is! > >Wally and I are brothers now. > >And during his
stay, Steve and Michelle Dulson, and Kate Bennett were in town >for the
Folk Alliance. We all met for the first time and it was like visiting
>with cousins you havent seen for a year and a half! > >And that is the
beauty of this list. > >It has truly been a community. Anyone who has ANY
doubts should come to this >years Jonifest, and you will get it! It has
been a life altering experience >for me and I have made many, many
lifelong friends as a result. How many in >this world can say that? >
>WOW, Kakki and I had lunch with Joni a year and a half ago! Would that
have >EVER been if not for the connection this list affords? > >I am
thrilled to say that I have like-minded friends from all over the world
as >a result. Hey, Ive been married and divorced on this list ;-) gained
a few >brothers and sisters, and am in love again. > >I agree that lately
we seem to have lost that magical sense of community. Far >too many who
are integral to this list have become Joni only. I too, am on >the
brink of doing the same. Personal attacks, overposting, the war content
>overload! What really gets me is how some feel that every post requires
a >response, and far too many of those are of the nature that should be
sent >personally, not to the whole list. B---- will say it is sunny out,
G---- will >answer it isnt. Does the list really care? Take it off the
list. To receive >100 posts a day and so many of them be of this content
is overwhelming. > >I dont suggest that the list should be moderated.
However, I firmly believe >we need to be a bit more thoughtful and
respectful of each other, and our >differences. Appreciate what we have,
love our brothers and sisters and get >back to the garden, as our muse
has said. > >And as that other muse, the blue guy said, stifle the
conversations about >religion, sex and politics. > >With love and
respect, >Stephen in Vancouver > >Hoping to stay an NJC subscriber! >
>NP: Patti Witten Sycamore Tryst- loving it Patti and if not for this
list >would never have discovered you! > >------------------------------
> >Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 02:05:53 -0500 >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Today in History: February 25 > >1972: Joni performed in Massey
Hall in Toronto - Jackson Browne is the opening act. >More info:
http://www.jmdl.com/articles/view.cfm?id=432 >- ---- >For a comprehensive
reference to Joni's appearances, >consult Joni Mitchell ~ A Chronology of
Appearances: >http://www.jonimitchell.com/appearances.html >
>------------------------------ > >Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 02:05:53 -0500
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Today's Library Links: February 25 >
>On February 25 the following items were published: > > >1972: "Concert
Is Given By Joni Mitchell" - New York Times > (Review - Concert) >
http://www.jmdl.com/articles/view.cfm?id=814 > > >2000: "Joni Mitchell's
new look at 'Both Sides Now'" - Christian Science Monitor > (Review -
Album) > http://www.jmdl.com/articles/view.cfm?id=703 >
>------------------------------ > >Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 08:06:55 +0100
>From: "Moni Kellermann" >Subject: Re: The State of the List - Instant
messaging info - No Joni content > >- ----- Original Message ----- >From:
"Lori Fye" > > > IMICI offers free software that allows you to IM with
people who use > > AIM, Yahoo, MSN, and ICQ - at the SAME time. I use
IMICI and I love > > it. Visit http://users.imici.com/signup.php, and
choose > > the "Demonstration" license. > > >Seems to be similar to
http://www.trillian.cc/ which I have tried out. (There >is a free version
you can download). > >The catch with both programs is that it still isn't
possible to send messages >between the different IM services! >You may
have ONE program that functions as an IM client for all those services
>but you still only can send messages to and from within one service. It
is not >possible to send an IM from AIM/AOL to Yahoo or from MSN to AOL
or such. > >moni > >------------------------------ > >End of JMDL Digest
V2003 #144 >***************************** > >------- >Post messages to
the list by clicking here: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Unsubscribe by clicking
here: >mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >-------
>Siquomb, isn't she? (http://www.siquomb.com/siquomb.cfm)



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