Bob, by AS do you mean AP (American Psycho)?

That rat scene gives me chills even now.  It was incredibly
- ah, chilling and grotesque.  When the movie came out, I
had a friend who wanted to see it, but was afraid - when I
said the rat scene was not in the move (and how could it
be) there was vast relief -  

I like McInerney a lot, but he has been going downhill IMHO
whereas Bret Easton Ellis gets better and better -

and exactly right on not recommending the book - almost
afraid to post that I think it is a great work and someone
read it therefore and hate it - it is not a book for
everyone - 

The scene with the relator was I think my favroite and
summed up the whole book - just pretend it all didn't
happen, commerce needs to be done -


Bob wrote: "And don't even get me started on the murders
(spew!) or the starving  rat (gag!). 

I haven't read "Glamorama" yet either -- still getting over
"AS" a couple of 
years later -- but otherwise I have read all his novels.
Although "AS" feels 
like his most ambitious work, DON'T EVER RECOMMEND IT TO
ANYONE! You will be 
reported to the police and your house will be watched by
anticrime groups. "

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