By the way, I really liked the Informers (the one I read at
my father's hospital bed side) -  Dad wanted to know what I
was reading and I said, "just a book" not wanting to go
into details and I did not say it sarcastically so it was
ok - his sister kept probing me on who the author was - she
never heard of him and that infuriates her - she thinks she
knows everything worth knowing - but then she discovered
 that my seats at the opera are 5th row and hers are next
to the last row and that set off something else and she
forgot all about Bret Easton Ellis - then I discovered she
had 100s of librettos that belonged to my grandparents had
she threw them out because who would want them and I was
wishing that Patrick Bateman was there (no, not really but
I sure wish she had given me those librettos, those things
are expensive new and to have the ones my grandparents had
would mean so much).


where else can you get dialogue like this from the

"I thought Jamie was killed instantly," I say, standing

"He was." Dirk shrugs. "What? Why?"

"You told Raymond he, um, bled to death."

"Christ - what's the difference? I mean, really," Dirk
says. "Jesus, his parents had the fucking wake at Spago for
Christ sakes. I mean, come on, guy."

 "No, really, Dirk," I'm saying. "Why did you tell Raymond
that?" Pause. "Is that the truth?"

Dirk looks up. "I hope it made him feel worse."

"Yeah?" I ask, trying not to grin.

Dirk stares at me hard, then stops, losing interest. "You
never grasp anything, Tim. You look okay, but nothing

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