I've always fancied having a go at busking,
> and was wondering if any of our listers have done it - as there are so
> hugely accomplished musicians and singers, I'd be surprised if the answer
> were no.  How much dosh did you make??

I used to go out to Buckhead (where all the bars and ritzy restaurants
are-yuppie hangout) and play on weekends from 10ish till 2, sometimes
later...I didn't do so bad-I would make on an average around $50 most
nights which works out to be about $12/hour.  Not bad for playing on the
street.  The bad thing is I was playing for very long periods of time so
these nights would leave me completely worn out and worthless the next day
or so.  Plus I was playing for a lot of drunk people who often probably
thought I was homeless or desperate cause in their minds they couldn't
think of any other reason why someone would do this.  You really have to be
kind of brave. I know in other places where busking is more common, people
don't assume that but here it was different.

Some nights it was really interesting.  Once a black man handed me a cold
beer as a hooker tried to sing on the mic with me.  Another time, someone
left me a full bag of food from a nearby restaurant.  Once, really late
into the night, this drunk man handed me a $20 dollar bill and said,"Now
I'm giving you a 20 but I'm not the devil," and walked off laughing
madly.(reference to "Friend of the Devil" for those who don't know).

The night the Braves won the world series(1995) I played in Buckhead and
made $100.  Most I ever made from busking.

I played in Paris and made nothing.  Made about 10-15 dollars in Cambridge
Square once.  Didn't do so well in New Orleans.  

Victor, leaving for Greenville soon

--- Victor Johnson
Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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