> Anyway, this thread did set me thinking about how much I would earn if I
> to the streets armed only with my rudimentary guitar strumming and ability
> carry a tune reasonably well.  I've always fancied having a go at busking,
> and was wondering if any of our listers have done it - as there are so
> hugely accomplished musicians and singers, I'd be surprised if the answer
> were no.  How much dosh did you make??
> Azeem in London
> NP: Kate St John - Second Sight (again - this time I'm recording it for a
> friend!)
Hi Azeem I busked on Yonge St in Toronto for quite a while as a teen. Use to
make $50-$70 an evening for about 3 hours work. I think that converts to 3
or 4 pounds. Anyway I loved it it was great experience. What music you
played had a direct influence how much you make. Neil Young and rolling
stones made the most money and Cat Stevens as well.

 At one point Some Girls had just come out so I played Beast of burden for
three hours strait every night and made a lot of coin. Down side it really
sucks in the winter and you get paid in change. I got stopped by the cops a
few times thinking I was knocking off phone booths or something.

 It's a whole nother story but if it were not for my time as a busker I
would never have met my wife.


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