I need everyone to go rent Rules of Attraction (the movie based on the Bret Easton Ellis film of the same name),.

Swoozie Kurtz and Faye Dunaway are in the movie and it was pretty easy to figure out who they were - even recognized Eric Stoltz -

but Fred Savage is in the credits and all I can figure out is he was the guy in his underwear who was shooting up between his toes - could that really be the Wonder Boy of just a few years ago?

Some of the editing and directing concepts are really incredible. The purple note character - amazing how we don't know who it is until half-way through the movie and then we realize we saw the character all along and had no idea who it was -

not a great movie by any means but certainly one of the more adventuresome and interesting movies of recent years - rather see a movie that takes great risks that sometimes pay off and sometimes don't rather than safe and predictable -


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