Did anyone else notice that hours after the USA president, George Bush, announced that 
it's now time to invade Iraq, we immediately got *incredibly* good intelligence 
information, locating one of Al-Queda's top generals, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed?

As Saturday Night Live's "Church Lady" would say, "Hmmm.  Isn't that 

Lest I be unclear, I think it's possible that "we" put so much pressure on ol' Saddam, 
the neighborhood snitch, that he squealed.  I'll bet if he also gives us bin Lauden 
and continues to destroy the "illegal" missiles, we'll find something else to worry 

Who was it last week who postulated that Saddam was being replaced because his job was 
to be America's bully in the Arab world, keeping bin Lauden down?  Oh yeah..... it was 
me.  :)

Maybe we can lock up the rest of the al-Queida terrorists before we kill a bunch of 
civilians in Iraq?  Is there still hope?  Can we back away from the brink?  What's 
that Arab expression?  "An enemy of my enemy is...... my friend."


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