Ciao Joniphiles,

        "Has this happened to you? Have you ever grown to love any of Joni's
work many 
years after it was released? Am I going to be put in the JMDL slow class for

admitting this? "

     I think this is quite a common experience among the joniphiles. I was
disappointed starting with HOSL in Dec 1975 although I kept buying the
albums as they were released. I  was disgusted thoroughly with "Mingus"  :~)
and just stopped buying. Just listening to the old stuff. It was not really
until the late 80's and early 90's I began to go back and buy things lkike
DED, WTRF, CMIARS, etc. They were nothing at all like the tepid reviews they
had been given!  :~) 

     I still do not have a copy of DJRD, Mingus, or Shadows and Light (too
much from Mingus on there). I love HOSL now, think three songs from Hejira
are Joni at her peak ("Refuge of the Roads", "Hejira" and "Sharon"), like
DED a lot ( I surprised by the rejection of this album by many Joniphiles
:~) ), like not love WTRF, and think CMIARS contains two of her absolute
most brilliant songs in "One" and "Beat of Black Wings". 

     Ciao, dave.

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