hi lucy

your post on Hejira struck a chord with me as I USED to feel exactly the
same. In fact the reason I went out and bought Hejira was that everyone
on the list talked about it so highly and I thought  I must be really
missing something ! So I duly went out to buy it and I was so
disappointed on first listening as previously I had been a total
canyonlady blue type, so I think musically it takes a bit of getting used
to the difference. But please persevere, you will grow to love it, there
are a few I still don't particularly love but I used to skip the song
Hejira itself and now I adore it - the words just blow me away. Song for
Sharon always puts a smile on my face, Black Crow makes me want to go
wild, Coyote is a great driving song, and A Strange boy just does
something to me, it is sooo sexy, one of my joni favourites by far.

So anyway, I agree with Catherine, give it a rest for a bit and go back
to it, I'm sure it will grow on you, or vice versa! Or - you never know,
and may I be struck down by lightening for saying it.. -  you may simply
just not ever like it, if we all liked everything in exactly the same way
how boring it would be......

best wishes



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