Good Morning!

--- Deb Messling wrote: 
>I coordinate a book discussion 
> group, and the readers chose "The Red Tent," which is a novel based on 
> biblical characters, written from a female point of view.  On the library's web page 
> promoting
the group, I used a quote from an Amazon  review which said that the book was what the 
Bible might
have been had it been written "by God's daughters instead of her sons."
> The webmaster was VERY upset and changed the pronoun to "his," then the library 
> director asked
me to remove the quote altogether.
> I was taken aback, and I'm tempted to make a bit of a fuss from an 
> intellectual freedom point of view, but if my usage was truly offensive to 

Make a BIG fuss Deb!  Although I am an atheist and clearly a feminist, this IS just 
censorship of
your intellectual freedon point of view.  I am sure it is offensive to some, but any 
thoughts or views can be taken as such.

Women in my community, not all, but many use the female pronoun for god.  And many men 
as well as
women, I know often speak of god as he or she.  It's a possibility, if in fact a god 
does exist,
though I would tend to think of that entity as neither sex specifically.
Actually I would love to read this book, now that you've mentioned it!
That's just my 2 cents.


Gooddess forbid the atheist has something to say!  LOL! 
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