Mitch wrote:

<<Hi--wow, what a coincidence...Joni's everywhere! ...was casually reading 
Joni list, and enjoying someone's post of falling on love all over again with 

Blue, when the oening strains of Cactus Tree begin, grabbing my attention 
immediately..turns out it's the background to a scene in A Walk on the Moon, 
with Diane Lane (love her!)... it's playing throughout a scene where she and 
the hunk from LOTR are swimming in a fabulous canyon, getting it on the whole 

time! "..and she's so busy being free..." >>

This is SUCH a great Joni moment!! The *perfect* song for a *perfect* movie 
scene! I wrote about this movie when it first came out, and will reitterate 
that this scene with Cactus Tree as the backdrop is absolutely wonderful!! 
Everyone should go to their local video store and rent this now!!!

Ashara {Yeah, yeah, I know I am a day late and a dollar short, but I am 
finally catching up on a week's worth of e-mail on the plane back from 

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