Greetings all!

Last nights broadcast was truly magnificent!  Catherine, Kate, Andrew, Ranger 
Rick. And all who posted, did so perfectly.

All my friends called to tell me it was being broadcast.  As far away as 
London, Ontario!  My 10 year old daughter Jordan, called 15 minutes in to say 
she was trying to tape something on TV and saw a Joni thing on CBC!  How cool 
is that? 

She then proceeded to comment that Joni looks like a wrinkly Siamese cat!!!  
The nerve!

The programme was superbly done.  Well produced and edited, current day Joni 
shot beautifully, and coming across quite lucidly.  Many wonderful old clips 
interspersed with great guests- Crosby, Nash, James Taylor, David Geffen (to 
my surprise), Elliot Roberts.  

Lots we have seen before- the Johnny Cash Show, The Pink Dress concert, Dick 
Cavett. But really so well edited that all seemed almost brand new.  And some 
we have not seen- Joni stills and movies as a child- stunning!- the incredibly 
intimate pictures from her wedding to cape running on the beach so 
well described by Andrew.  The Laurel Canyon days really came thru beautifully.

Often my heart felt pangs and tears welled up in my eyes. Joni was so lovingly 
portrayed, and held in such incredible artistic awe by the guests  One 
clearly understood how important and life altering the effect she had on them 
was.    Not only on them, but the music industry and our life and times as 
well.  Over and over it was clearly said her uniqueness has not been met 
before, nor since.  I must agree!

And even as a youngster, Joni came across so profoundly.  It was apparent  way 
back then, that she was far ahead of the crowd in her way of looking at life 
and the world.  Her vision of how she wished to express herself artistically 
was firmly in place.

This will surely end up being one of our favourite Joni videos.  I am eagerly 
awaiting next Tuesdays broadcast of part 2.  Who knows what it will hold?  Bob 
Muller remarked that he didnt hold out much hope that the latter part of her 
career will be given its due based upon her midstream changes from genre to 
genre, and the incredible artistic leaps she took.  Well, that was clearly 
portrayed in part one, that she was doing it then.  I can only assume the same 
for next week.

A pure joy to watch!

And thanks to the loan of Blue Smurfs Cupcake, the evening was most 
enjoyable ;-)

Best to all,

Stephen in Vancouver

NP:  Marcio Faraco- Ciranda

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