Your suspicion is correct, Emiliano, One Tin Soldier is not a
Joni song. It was written by Dennis Lambert & Brian Potter,
and was a pretty big hit in the US by the band Coven. It was
featured prominently in the latter-day hippie flick "The Legend
of Billy Jack" starring Tom Laughlin in 1971 or thereabouts.

Emiliano Patiqo wrote:

> HI, JMDLers,
> I've recently get, "through the air", one curious song called "One tin soldier" that 
> is attributed to Joni: it's a song with orchestral arrangements, british 60' pop 
> style, and IMHO, doesn't belong to our great Joni (the voice seems familiar to me, 
> maybe Melanie, don't you?). In the fabulous web page sustained by Wally I didn't 
> find any references to it. Have you any idea of this?
> Yours: Emiliano
> NP: Es caprichoso el azar, by JM Serrat with Noa

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