On Saturday, Mar 8, 2003, at 14:45 Europe/London, I wrote:
It's called "The Sweetness Of Pears", but I'm afraid I don't
know the author offhand, and can't get to the Internet right
now to find out.  Being so short, I'm fairly sure the text
of it might be on the web, or at least a reference to it.
A search through http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ might
also yield the goods.

I found it!

It's available to listen to on the BBC web site, and I
think works with Real Player.  The link is here:-


You've got until Thursday to listen to this on line, at
which point the "Listen to Thursday" link will point
to the latest Thursday reading.

The author of the story is Sarah LeFanu, and it's read
by Stephanie Cole.


--Chris Marshall

chrisAThatstand.org (AIM: Chr15Marshall)

"If you're ever lost, I'll beat the world to finding you"
    Stryngs, "Bobblehats and Beer"
    Band website, with downloads, at http://www.stryngs.com/

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