1970: Joni's album "Clouds" was named winner of the Grammy award for "best folk 
performance" of the year at the annual award ceremonies at the National Academy of 
Recording Artists and Sciences.
More info: http://www.jmdl.com/articles/view.cfm?id=824     
1972: Joni performs at the Berkeley Community Theater, and future jimdler Steve Dulson 
snaps a photo of the event.
More info: http://members.aol.com/tinkerjoni/joni.html     
1974: Joni performed at the Civic Auditorium in Portland, Oregon.
More info: http://www.jmdl.com/articles/view.cfm?id=808     
For a comprehensive reference to Joni's appearances,
consult Joni Mitchell ~ A Chronology of Appearances:

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