Bob,  it hadn't occurred to me that one might not be able to get in to Wall to Wall.  
So I did some checking and the theater seats 760.  Yikes!  That is tiny.  I read that 
at past Wall to Wall events there was a line outside the door all day long and that 
once you get inside the presenters try and cajole people to leave and let other folks 
in.  I don't know about you, but I was going to stay all freaking day! 
Has anybody gone to one of these before?  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This event is about a week away - I'm getting very psyched!!

For those who may be interested, besides the Saturday event there will be a group of 
us taking in the Matisse/Picasso exhibit at MOMA on Sunday. Obviously, all are 
welcome...I'm sure there will be lots of good food & conversation as well!

Thanks to Paul M. who's putting me up Friday night, and Bob's Art who's putting up 
with me Saturday night. JMDLer's RULE!!

Also, for those of you going to W2W, Symphony Space is offering a "Priority Admission" 
for 2 for those making a $50 donation prior to March 22. See the website for details:

I went ahead and took the plunge, it's a donation for a good cause plus I wanted to 
make sure I got in! :~P


NP: John Mellencamp, "Lonely Ol' Night" (3/18/99)
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