> This event is about a week away - I'm getting very psyched!!
> For those who may be interested, besides the Saturday event there will be a group of 
> us taking in the Matisse/Picasso exhibit at MOMA on Sunday. Obviously, all are 
> welcome...I'm sure there will be lots of good food & conversation as well!

This is some rain on the parade news... the Matisse Picasso exhibit is
one of those blockbusters requiring timed tickets ($20!) and there are
no tickets available anymore for March 23. So unless Bob'sArt has
already gotten tickets, there's no way (that I know of) to get them at
this point for that day. Regular admission will get you to other parts
of the museum, but there's not much there since it's now in a temporary
space in Queens while the Manhattan building is being worked on. I don't
think it's worth a trip across the river (spoken like a true provincial
Manhattanite) to see just the other bits in MoMA QNS. 

So any other ideas for Sunday? Jazz brunch somewhere maybe. And if
people are in the mood for museum strolling and chatting, there's always
the Met, which now has an exhibit of Leonardo da Vinci drawings, or
there's the exhibit about Einstein at the Natural History Museum on the
west side. The new planetarium is part of that museum, too. I love that
place and would go anytime anyone has the slightest interest in that.

Ideas anyone?

> Also, for those of you going to W2W, Symphony Space is offering a "Priority 
> Admission" for 2 for those making a $50 donation prior to March 22. 

I'm glad to see that it's $50 for admission for two. I don't mind
spending the $50 but didn't think my companion for the day would
appreciate finding out about that at the last minute.

> I went ahead and took the plunge, it's a donation for a good cause plus I wanted to 
> make sure I got in! :~P

One thing about having so many people in this cozy little city is that
it's necessary to plan things WAY in advance...  Unless it's a holiday
weekend, it's difficult to do anything that's been publicized on the
spur of the moment.

It's a wonderful place, though, really! 

Debra Shea,
looking forward to next weekend with friendly jonipals in crowded NYC

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