Is it really our Don/Larry posting again?

Can we be so blessed?

I love seeing your name in my inbox, Don!


Don Rowe wrote:

Good to see everyone still kicking the DED around
here.  Those who remember me already know that I
consider the much-maligned pooch one of Joni's finest
efforts.  There, I've said it again, and darnit all
I'm still proud of it!

Here's why I say this ... Joni's work with the then
darling of the recording industry, the Fairlight CMI
(computer musical instrument) is every bit as fresh,
innovative and daring as any of her alternate guitar
tunings, and the counterpoint lines she uses (or
directed Dolby to use, same diff)as engaging as
anything on HOSL or DJRD.

Do yourselves a favor (all you DED nay-sayers) ...
make a tape/CDR that alternates cuts from DJRD, DED
and HOSL ... any selection or sequence will do ... and
drive around with it for a week.  It will change your
life, and get you well on the road to right-thinking
about Joni's work from the over-abused 80s. :-D

Don Rowe (sitting in for Larry Klein)

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