Kate Bennett wrote:

& wow colin, what great changes you've made for your health, congratulations to you!

Thank you Kate.
The yoga is excellent and I would thorughly recommend it. For many years, I was led to believ there was something 'satanic' about yoga by well have a guess... anyway what the fuck they were on about i have no idea. it is just stretching excercises!
I had NO idea how tense everything was. From yeards and years of being on 'alert', something you just are all the time if you had to be for a long time. Meaning there was a long period of time, 16 years, when it was wise to be 'alert'. not needed nown but still my body is tensed up all the time.
Anyhow, the yoga really helps. Much of the pain has gone. Interstingly so has the chest pain and arm pain...whilxt the angina medicine has not touched it. Soalthough i am still awaiting the hosptial tests, after the wonky ecg, it would seem to me that the 'angina' is actually muscle pain, especially as i sit hunched up alld ay evry day sewing and knitting....

I ahev alwso been walking 45 mins a day with the dogs. we have not had rain(aprt from a couple of nights) for weeks whilst last year it rained almost everyday. Altho we hav not had rain for weeks, our garden is still soggy. Last eyar was the wettest on record.

the other thing that really helps in all depts is the low carb way of eating. Always knew it was good and right for me but was not serious enough about sticking to it. Now I have been on the wagon with it for a couple of months. 20lbs gone, no hunger, no fatigue etc Yes i misss bread and Hagen Daaz but it psses and the long term beneifts far outweigh the damage one night of passion would cause....

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