Dear Vince 

Here is hoping your recovery is speedy and complete!  We missed you here in Chicago!

--- vince wrote:
> ...I would fall on the ice and 
> smash my right shoulder and arm so badly that I could not even move my 
> arm and since I smashed my arm into my side have ribs so sore that even 
> breathing was incredibly painful and have this all be timed so that I 
> would be unable to drive to Chicago for the Chicago JoniFest.
> better news is the arm is healing and I can almost wash my hair now.

Thank Gawd Vince!  I hate bad hair days, but a week of it - EEeewwwww!

> best news is that because I was stuck at home I was able to get online > the moment 
> that Eminem
tickets went on sale so I have 4 tickets in the 
> main level and 2 front row club level tickets for this July in Detroit.  

Had I known this I would have driven to Michigan myself to save you from that fate!  
And I don't
even drive!

 > straight to Chicago because I have All Star tickets -  home run contests 
> and all that on Monday, and then the game itself on Tuesday.  Should be 
> the best three days of my life!  (And probably Gage's too since the 
> plans are he is going to everything.)
Hey I may have an in for tickets to the All-Sar game as well (working on it), maybe 
we'll work in
a little Jonifesting then.

> sorry I missed everyone in Chicago.  I really wanted to be there.    

So are we sweetie!  I sill think you were trying a triple axle and didn't get enough 
lift on your
take-off.  Please talk to Jimmy about this short coming, he's done wonders for my 
triple toe loop!

Hope to see you soon, take care.


NP: Jonatha Brooke/Your House
Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online

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