bad news is having the pipes in the apartment building freeze and have said pipes break so that when they thawed the apartment would would be flooded and with the apartment torn up and all the stuff outside that would freeze so that when I went to get it I would fall on the ice and smash my right shoulder and arm so badly that I could not even move my arm and since I smashed my arm into my side have ribs so sore that even breathing was incredibly painful and have this all be timed so that I would be unable to drive to Chicago for the Chicago JoniFest.

And have my father be unhappy because he wanted to see me this weekend to help him move stuff (but I can't drive! I can't move my arm!)

better news is the arm is healing and I can almost wash my hair now.

best news is that because I was stuck at home I was able to get online the moment that Eminem tickets went on sale so I have 4 tickets in the main level and 2 front row club level tickets for this July in Detroit.

might as well make the best of everything -

Timing is everything - I'll see Eminem on Sunday in July and then drive straight to Chicago because I have All Star tickets - home run contests and all that on Monday, and then the game itself on Tuesday. Should be the best three days of my life! (And probably Gage's too since the plans are he is going to everything.)

sorry I missed everyone in Chicago. I really wanted to be there.

And 8 Mile comes out on dvd this Tuesday and I might not be able to fight the crowds at the video store since I am still recovering but what the hell, I have my copies pre ordered anyway so not a problem!


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