--- JMDL Digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Date: Sat, 15 Mar
2003 22:59:50 -0700
From: Dan Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Joni mention on NPR, Refuge of the Roads
On All Things Considered today (Saturday), in a piece
>on rap or some 
>rap artist (I wasn't really paying attention) someone
>mentioned something 
>"...it's not like we're selling 4 million albums like
>Joni Mitchell..." 

i also heard a joni tidbit on npr..what a coincidence!
it was yesterday, during talk of the nation i think,
they used a chunk of "just like this train". just a
bit of the music, no lyric. it made me smile,
especially on a day when i found out i might have to
have my tonsils out !?! at the age of 31 !?!. 
alison e. in slc, breaking a recent record by posting
twice in one day. 
np: James taylor, october road. an
un-f*cking-believably good album. 
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