Bob wrote:

> Thanks to Doug for a copy of the recent 2-part Joni broadcast. Wow! I was
really blown away by this show, and >enjoyed several jaw-dropping moments,
mostly the EARLY recordings of Joni singing folk music, duetting with
>Chuck, etc. As has been said, LOTS of exclusive never-before-seen-or-heard

Amen!  A good JMDLer friend close to the Canadian border TV waves sent me
both parts which I got to watch last night at my parents' house since my VCR
is broken.  Ah so beautiful.  Even my mom had me re-winding to replay many
parts of it and was oohing and ahhing ;-) It is freaky that Kilauren has
Joni's exact speaking voice!  I was continually struck throughout with the
thought that our Simon (who was duly credited)  had a WHOLE lot of input on


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